What. Is. This. Again?

Congratulations you’ve made it to the K Kid Tuesday Residency info-page, where you can learn more than you ever wanted to know!

Yes, we are continuing the adventurous musical adventures on TUESDAYS.

What’s it been like?

It’s great, it’s loose, we play without any real obligations, we play what we want when we want, we sound good, we don’t tangle with the PA because we don’t really need it, we stretch the songs so what you hear on the records would be kinda the middle part, we make room for solos (one person) and duos (two persons), we goof off, we get serious, we do what we are good at for ourselves and our friends who are there.

What do we play?

Here’s the setlist (“set-pool” really, no order to speak of). Most of the new ones you can sample down there in the SoundCloud player that costs me $16 a month. 

All of the Above, Dan’s Dense Dance, Everyone I Know, Ring A Bell, Fever, Gears, Hello Farewell Goodbye, How Would It All Fit?, I I I I I, Letters, Map of the Universe, Oceans, Orbits, Runaway, Today’s Anthem, Unknown Grace

What’s “No Phone Party”?

The gist of it is: you turn your phone off while you’re here and interact with the world around you.