Who ever heard of an Italian that prefers whiskey to wine?? That’d be this guy Luca Lombardi, and no it’s not his birthday (again) and THIS TUESDAY is your last chance to wish him “buon viaggio” before he is fired from the band… for the summer :) … and his talents take him around the world.
As usual beyond thrilled to play this crazy, swirling pool of music for you all Tuesday 7pm at Hendershots’s with myself, Seth Hendershot, Luca… and you?
#kenoshakidmusic @seffrohendo @luca_lomb @hendershots_
Showing my face to the algorithm to say some things never get old, like spinning stuff record players or seeing you every Tuesday when we play at Hendershot’s…. W/ @seffrohendo @joshallenmusic @hendershots_
Yes, we are continuing the adventurous musical adventures thru the rest of May! Lots to share and explore with you and Seth and welcoming Josh Allen to the rollercoaster. Tuesdays 7pm at Hendershots ⚡️#kenoshakidmusic @seffrohendo @joshallenmusic @hendershots_ #nophoneparty
830 @hauntedshed plays the @normal_bar_athens bday party tonight! @bain_mattox ‘s band Hot City at 730. W @sircrabmojo @dayrowshay @gardsyvis #joerowe
ALL OF THIS. Something special for you next Tuesday April 25: 1st set all the new songs! 2nd set all of Missing Pieces!
7pm at Hendershot’s w Luca and Seth
#kenoshakidmusic @seffrohendo @hendershots_ @luca_lomb
Yep @hauntedshed show this Saturday at 5pm w @cicadarhythm and BichosVivos w @gardsyvis @luca_lomb @dayrowshay and Joe Rowe. @andreademarcus @davesbeeshoney
Y’all are sooooo smart I don’t need to explain any this, right? See you Tuesday! W @seffrohendo @luca_lomb at @hendershots_ #nophoneparty #kenoshakidmusic
What can I say?? It’s Seth’s b’day and we are celebrating him this Tuesday at the show 7pm at Hendershot’s! HpppyBrthdy Sethro you are a titan:) @seffrohendo @hendershots_ @luca_lomb #kenoshakidmusic
What’s that you say? Well, aside from other cool works ATL Collective puts together these shows that perform whole records… better than the original. Cool, right? Yea and Robby is the musical director. And Ansley is singing. Oh and Colin *and* Darren are playin drums. JoJo is playing keys and synth. And I haven’t met Indee or Anita yet but I am so excited to make music with such freaking awesome music makers!
So it’s 8pm at Vinyl on SATURDAY April 1.
FYI yes I seem to be going thru the ditto looper twice… L side pre fx, which later feeds R side post fx. Huh. @indeestar1111 @rubberbeartoe @anitaaysola @ansleystewartsings @gardsyvis @darren_a_stanley @colinagnew @atlcollective
Let’s go one more Tuesday 7pm Kenosha Kid w Dan, Seth, Luca and you too! @seffrohendo @luca_lomb @hendershots_ #kenoshakidmusic