K. KID 2025

Beginning in early 2025, Kenosha Kid blossoms from its trio roots into an expanded lineup, bringing fresh sounds, talents, and personalities.

Longtime friends and collaborators Seth Hendershot (drums) and Luca Lombardi (bass) continue to anchor the rhythm section, while Dan Nettles is joined by Erik Olson on keys, Andrew Garfias on tenor sax, and Mason Davis on percussion—each adding new depth and dimension to the band’s ever-evolving sound.

"A mash-up between contemporary jazz, alt-rock and jam-band ethos... Nettles... is an understated yet arresting guitarist, and an accomplished, composer with an ear for a good hook... Kenosha Kid would grace just about any festival stage."  - All About Jazz

Nearing twenty years in existence, Kenosha Kid (or K.Kid as occasionally stylized) is a musical group led by guitarist Dan Nettles. Based in the humid indie-rock haven of Athens, Georgia, Nettles has lead a worldwide host of collaborators in a simple purpose: build a scene, write for people you know, and listen to your creative heart. Although deeply rooted in jazz composition, the all-instrumental music is fueled by an omnivorous musical appetite and as likely to reference Monk as Willie Nelson, Hendrix as Duke Ellington.

In an avalanche of creativity, October Book Parts One, Two and Three [2022] are the latest K. Kid offerings. Written across one month, OCTOBER BOOK is an epic 3-LP set featuring 31 songs, 25 musicians and a dreamlike abundance of musical sorcery with moments of lyrical melodic hooks, textural bliss, and pure rock-band glory.

"Nettles’ compositions are melodic and organically unfold through clear forms and solid sounds... a distinct sonic and emotional universe brought into focus by a band that listens as hard as they play…" -Staccatofy